Apollo and Daphne ~ アポロ神とダフネの悲しい恋物語
ギリシア神話の神々の中でもっともイケメン、美男子の象徴として語られるアポロン (Apollo) は、ゼウスを父としてもち、太陽、預言、音楽、医学をつかさどる神。
Apollo and Daphne
Part 1: 0:00 ~ 23:7
Part 2: 23:7 ~ 5:00
Apollo and Daphne in Arts
Apollo and Daphne, a marble sculpture made 1622–1625 by Bernini (1598–1680), inspired by Ovid's Metamorphoses, Galleria Borghese, Rome.
Bernini, Apollo and Daphne (video) | Italy | Khan Academy
Apollo and Daphne; by Pollaiolo, c. 1470–80 (National Gallery, London)
Apollo and Daphne; by Veronese, c. 1560–65 (San Diego Museum of Art)
Apollon et Daphné; by Rubens, c. 1636 (Musée Bonnat, Bayonne)
Apollo and Daphne by Waterhouse, 1908
Some of the mosaics that remain from the Nea Paphos temple site depict erotic images from Greek mythology – such as the story of Apollo and Daphne (Credit: Andrea Watson)
‘It was an ancient form of sex tourism’ - BBC Culture
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